Friday, March 29, 2013

HJing my first event!

Ahhh, it has been almost 2 weeks since this event, have been super busy about this YGO thing. Let us say that it wasn't the most pleasant experience that I've had in a while. It is due to the fact that it was the first regional in the Massachusetts area for over 1.5 years. I applied as a judge and I became the Head Judge because I was the "most experienced". This wasn't the fact for the Tournament Organizer (TO) as he believed that he didn't need my help. I didn't offer it. Instead, I took it into my own hands. I contacted the potential judges and talked to them about what was expected and tried to prepare them for what is needed.

The HJing experience was one of the most difficult due to the fact of the lack of experience coming from me, and especially the TO. Coming from me, I understand what HJ is supposed to do, however, I had little to no experience of how to do it. Player management was one of things I wanted to work on. Luckily another judge volunteered for the event and was really helpful. Thank goodness. Overall, not going into too much detail, we, the judges, saved this fiasco of a Regional and we got through and got all the results at the end.

What did I learn from this? A LOT. Judges don't want to read the material, players don't want to listen, TOs need their materials to have the tournament run much more smoothly. I had to become TO, Scorekeeper, and HJ at this moment. The TO/Scorekeeper was too busy cleaning up after and selling products to the players. Anyways, I hope that we all learned something because I definitely have over the 1 year judging at premiere events.

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