Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Being a Player and a Judge - The Conflicts

As a "well-experienced" (there's always something to learn from judging) judge, I always have a nick to be a judge even though I'm a player. As one player said, "WTF Allen, you're always instigating about the game." Well, that's what judges have to do, keep a gamestate. I do have to step down because I am not the judge at the locals and I am a player at that moment. The issue I have is when I am a player and my opponent insults me and my rules knowledge.

An incident occurred where I did a play where my opponent was confused. His first reaction was, "You can't do that!" Now I look at him and I wonder why I couldn't have done that. I gave him my reasoning and he continues to say that I can't do it because it would make that deck "broken". Then I asked him if my reasoning made any sense to him. He ignored my question and then continues to say that his reasoning was correct. I did the proper thing to call the judge over to get the ruling. While we waited for the ruling, he said to me one of the lowest comments ever. "____ and ____ played the deck longer than you, they're experts at this deck, call them. I've played that deck since it came out. You never topped a YCS, you don't know the rulings nor do you know how to play the deck."

I kept as calm a demeanor as I could being a player at the moment. What I want to bring up is that I as a player have to abide to what a player is. No matter what the ruling the Head Judge of the locals give, whether you know is incorrect or correct, we abide to it. As for the behavior of this player, I do not like it one bit. If I was the judge, I would not have tolerated it and would have brought it up to the TO and/or the store owner for this rude behavior. I try to keep an open mind about rulings as the transition from UDE to KDE has made drastic changes in rulings and in wording (PSCT). There is a time of learning for players and judges alike and from that, I learned quite the lot. Especially in the player's shoes (similar to an incident in Miami). And it would have been even worst if I was surrounded by a lot of players.

Even as a player, I want to be a judge. It was true that I should "stop instigating" games, but the inner me just wants to judge people xD

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