Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Part 3 - Knowing your Phases!

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG is a turn based reaction card game. That means there are 2 players and they activate cards and your opponent would have a response to  the turn player's actions. Very simple.

There are a few things that we have to understand, PHASES. Phases are window frames where a certain type of action is allowed. All phases must be gone through by a player except when you are going first in the game and for Battle Phase (more detail bellow). I will help you through these steps in a very basic manner. After the introduction, I will go further into details.


  • First thing that happens here is the turn player, DRAWS 1 CARD. Simple, not much explanation needed :)


  • Any type of effects that needs to happen here will happen (the car will say so if it does). 50-80% percent of the time, this phase would be skipped unintentionally. 


  • Activating Spell cards or Summoning monster happen here. Also Setting your Trap cards and Monsters if player chooses to do so. This is where player interaction really starts. An example would be me summoning Gemini Elf. My opponent then has first response to the summon, they activate Torrential Tribute, destroying my monster(s)! OH NO! That's very sad. That's a simple interaction with my opponent and I. We will talk about, "What if I want to protect my Gemini Elf?" in a later post (Chains and Spell Speed).


  • This is where all the monsters collide and clash for who is stronger! If the player chooses not to go into Battle Phase, you will skip Main Phase 2 and go directly into End Phase. We can see the difference of power by the numbers written on the card! For example, taken from above, Gemini Elf has 1900 ATK and Psi-Blocker has 1200 ATK, so Gemini Elf wins! So now, we take the difference and subtract it from the weaker monster's Life Points (both players start at 8000). Again, this is another player interaction heavy phase. So your opponent can use cards like Mirror Force to destroy your Gemini Elf! Another sad story indeed. There are more advanced steps in here, but we can go into that at a later stage of this series. 


  • After the battles have been done, we head into Main Phase 2. Now we can reassess what damage has been done and set or activate more spells and trap cards! This allows you to set up for your opponent's turn. Maybe you can get them with your own Torrential tribute or Mirror Force! Bwhahaha!


  • In here, this is where you say, "My turn is over, it is now yours". Well, you don't have to say that exactly, but you get the concept. Any card that says that you have to activate at the end of turn will occur here. This phase is sometimes complicated, but can be easily simplified in a later post. 

From here, your opponent does the same 6 phases and continue to go back and forth until someone's life points goes to 0 or wins through a game-winning effect (Exodia). Hope this teaches a little bit more about how to play this game. Comment below for any more specific details!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Part 2 - Forbidden, Limited, Semi-limited, and Restrictions

So with every game there are restrictions to create a more balanced and fair type of game. Yes, it may be true that with each new set, there will be unbalanced cards, but that's to give the players and duelists a new taste of the cards. Sometimes, there will be a need of intervention because of the overpowering use of a card. (I forget which card at the moment, but I've heard from people that there was one that was forbbidened in the middle of a format).

There are also limitations to a person's deck, allowing them to only have a certain number of cards in the Main deck, Side deck, and Extra deck. They are the following:

  • Main Deck - 40 to 60 cards
  • Side Deck - 0 to 15 cards
  • Extra Deck - 0 to 15 cards
Some of these cards are AMAZING! Like Monster Reborn or Change of Heart. But these cards are so powerful! Well, there's a limit to these powerful cards! So check out for the Forbidden/Limited list! Here, you can check how many copies of each card you may play in your deck! Check about every March/September because that is usually the time that the list will be  

So here we go:

Forbidden and limited list: (copied directly from their site)

Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatTraditional FormatRemarks
Monster/EffectCYBER JARForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectDARK MAGICIAN OF CHAOSForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectDESTINY HERO - DISK COMMANDERForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectFIBER JARForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectFISHBORG BLASTERForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectGLOW-UP BULBForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectMAGICAL SCIENTISTForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectMAGICIAN OF FAITHForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectMAKYURA THE DESTRUCTORForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectMIND MASTERForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectRESCUE CATForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectSANGANForbiddenLimitedWas Limited
Monster/EffectSINISTER SERPENTForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectTRIBE-INFECTING VIRUSForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectVICTORY DRAGONForbiddenLimited
Monster/EffectWITCH OF THE BLACK FORESTForbiddenLimited
Monster/FusionTHOUSAND-EYES RESTRICTForbiddenLimited
Monster/SynchroBRIONAC, DRAGON OF THE ICE BARRIERForbiddenLimited
Monster/SynchroDARK STRIKE FIGHTERForbiddenLimited
Monster/SynchroGOYO GUARDIANForbiddenLimited
Monster/SynchroTRISHULA, DRAGON OF THE ICE BARRIERForbiddenLimited
Monster/XyzWIND-UP CARRIER ZENMAITYForbiddenLimitedWas Limited
SpellBRAIN CONTROLForbiddenLimited
SpellBUTTERFLY DAGGER - ELMAForbiddenLimited
SpellCARD OF SAFE RETURNForbiddenLimited
SpellCHANGE OF HEARTForbiddenLimited
SpellCOLD WAVEForbiddenLimited
SpellDELINQUENT DUOForbiddenLimited
SpellDIMENSION FUSIONForbiddenLimited
SpellFUTURE FUSIONForbiddenLimited
SpellGIANT TRUNADEForbiddenLimited
SpellGRACEFUL CHARITYForbiddenLimited
SpellLAST WILLForbiddenLimited
SpellMASS DRIVERForbiddenLimited
SpellMIRAGE OF NIGHTMAREForbiddenLimited
SpellPAINFUL CHOICEForbiddenLimited
SpellPOT OF GREEDForbiddenLimited
SpellPREMATURE BURIALForbiddenLimited
SpellSNATCH STEALForbiddenLimited
SpellTEMPLE OF THE KINGSForbiddenLimited
SpellTHE FORCEFUL SENTRYForbiddenLimited
TrapCRUSH CARD VIRUSForbiddenLimited
TrapIMPERIAL ORDERForbiddenLimited
TrapLAST TURNForbiddenLimited
TrapROYAL OPPRESSIONForbiddenLimited
TrapTIME SEALForbiddenLimited
TrapTRAP DUSTSHOOTForbiddenLimited

Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatTraditional FormatRemarks
Monster/EffectCHAOS SORCERERLimited
Monster/EffectDARK ARMED DRAGONLimited
Monster/EffectINZEKTOR HORNETLimited
Monster/EffectLONEFIRE BLOSSOMLimited
Monster/EffectMORPHING JARLimited
Monster/EffectNIGHT ASSAILANTLimited
Monster/EffectT.G. STRIKERLimited
Monster/EffectWIND-UP MAGICIANLimitedNew
Monster/SynchroFORMULA SYNCHRONLimited
Monster/SynchroT.G. HYPER LIBRARIANLimited
SpellBOOK OF MOONLimited
SpellDARK HOLELimited
SpellONE FOR ONELimited
TrapSOLEMN WARNINGLimitedWas Semi-Limited

Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatTraditional FormatRemarks
Monster/EffectARCHLORD KRISTYASemi-limited
Monster/EffectCARD TROOPERSemi-limited
Monster/EffectDEBRIS DRAGONSemi-limited
Monster/EffectDESTINY HERO - MALICIOUSSemi-limited
Monster/EffectREBORN TENGUSemi-limited
Monster/EffectRESCUE RABBITSemi-limited
Monster/EffectSUMMONER MONKSemi-limited
Monster/EffectTHE AGENT OF MYSTERY - EARTHSemi-limited
Monster/EffectTHUNDER KING RAI-OHSemi-limitedNew
Monster/EffectTSUKUYOMISemi-limitedWas Limited
SpellA HERO LIVESSemi-limited
SpellADVANCED RITUAL ARTSemi-limitedWas Limited
SpellCHAIN STRIKESemi-limited
SpellE - EMERGENCY CALLSemi-limited
SpellPOT OF DUALITYSemi-limited
SpellROYAL TRIBUTESemi-limited
TrapMIRROR FORCESemi-limited
TrapOJAMA TRIOSemi-limited

So that's it for the restrictions! So build your deck appropriately and let's duel!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Part 1 - What are these cards?!

Today, as the first segment of the "How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh!" series, I would like to go over some of the basics of, what types of card is this? A lot of these cards have multitudes of information. So pay close attention!

Here are the basics!

  • Normal and effect - The whole point of the game is to summon powerful creatures to knock your opponent's Life Points to zero! So we need these Monsters to win the duel. The color here is a tan or light brown color. The difference here is that tan colored cards are what Yu-Gi-Oh! calls, Normal Monster and the light brown ones are Effect Monsters. The effect monsters can have multitudes of power but the Normal monsters will not have any thing but a short description of the monster.
  • Extra Deck Monsters - There is another type of Monster, which comes from the Extra deck, in the colors of Purple, White, and Black. These are powerful monsters that are allowed to players only through certain conditions such as Polymerization or monsters that says "Tuner" on them. This allows a strategic maneuver that a lot of players needs to decide. 
  • Ritual Monsters - These are represented in the color of blue! With the ritual magic card and the Ritual monster, the duelist can get out a ritual monster by fulfilling the ritual magic card's requirements! 

  • Normal - Spell cards that can only be activated in Main Phase 1 or 2 as the first card in the Chain Link (more on a later post)
  • Continuous - A Spell card that remains face-up on the field that continuously has its effects being applied. 
  • Quick-Play - Can be activated from your hand in response to something (during your turn) and you can activate this card on your opponents turn IF you set it down when it was your turn before. 
  • Equip - Targets a monster and gives it an additional effect, it stays on the field as long as the mosnter stays on the field. 
  • Field - A card that affects both players and acts similar to that of a continuous Spell card, however, it takes the Field Card Zone instead of the normal Spells and Traps Zone. (More on that later)
  • Ritual - This symbol signifies that this is to summon a Ritual monster. 

  • Normal - All trap cards has to be set for one turn before they can be activated. Starting off is the Normal Trap cards. It now can be activated when it meets the condition OR whenever you feel is appropriate. 
  • Continuous - Similar to that of a Continuous Spell card EXCEPT you can activate this card in your opponent's turn after it has been set for one turn. 
  • Counter - The fastest type of card out there, only can a counter trap card negate a counter trap card


"What are these field zones?" you ask? These are designated areas for where your certain cards should be placed! Here's a picture for reference.

So here are the Zones! The top left Lime Green area is the field zone, this is where the field card is placed. The next 5 light brown zones to the right are the monster zones, this is where the monsters should be summoned or set. And the last zone, the dark gray area, is the graveyard or the "discard pile". 

The next one is the light gray area on the bottom left, this is the extra deck zone, you may put your extra deck cards here for ease of access. The next 5 aqua colored zones are for your spells and traps. And the last and most important of them all, the deck zone, where you will begin to play your duel with your opponent!

In the next segment of "How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh!", we will be discussing what are the step by step process a duelists goes through each turn! So come back for some more dueling tips.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Welcome to Yugioh!

What is Yu-Gi-Oh!? And no, I'm not yelling, that is part of their franchise name. The name is literally translated into "King of Games" as I have learned from my parents who read it off the television screen. So what is this game about? It is about summoning monsters and using spells and traps to support these powerful monsters. It is all fun and games and making it a competitive and fun environment for the players to enjoy. How do I go about learning more about this game?

There are a lot of products out there to start off. I started, and recommend, watching the television show. However, there are some rules that are different from the Trading Card Game (TCG); the TV show is still still quite entertaining and exciting. With that, you'll have an idea what the TV show is about and relatively what happens when playing the card game (excluding the explosions and criminals). Also, if you want to find out more about the actual card game, check out their website for their multitudes of products.

As for what follows up this post is what I would like to discuss about the game and how to get batter at the game. There are indeed tutorials on Konami's website which I gave above, but I would like to reiterate the important things that the tutorial may or may not have gone over. And after that, we will be discussing what kind of strengths and weaknesses certain decks have. I hope you come back to this blog and read up more about the different ideas and concepts. Thanks!

Friday, June 7, 2013


So I've been ignoring this blog for the longest time, NO MORE! I will be posting regularly about once a week on Tuesday nights about random Yu-Gi-Oh! Stuff. I'll be starting from scratch and introduce the game. While doing that, if I travel, I will also be posting up the pictures from the locals/tournaments I head out to.

Hope to see you duelists soon! Keep dueling!

Friday, March 29, 2013

YCS Austin

It has indeed been a week after the event. It was to once again work with a bunch of fellow judges. Compared to the regional I just ran, it was a lot smoother and fun. Maybe it was because I wasn't in a "leadership" role, but it was much more organized. I am super grateful for having these types of events around and not lose my mind. I now understand, especially after having to run a regional, how the HJ and the TO feel about an event during it occurs. It is quite hectic.

What did I think was gonna win, it was gonna be water OR MacroRabbit (or anything that could run Macro). I think the water has good matchups against a lot of deck because it becomes huge beaters and forces the opponent to use some sort of removal, which most decks now lack. Also, we can add to the fact that a lot of players were running water (more like more than 50%). I wasn't surprised when 50% of the players in the top 32 was water, but it was still interesting. What was more interesting was the people that weren't playing water. Read more here.

As for my experience, I blew a casket you can say... During round 2, a player went into time and then the match ended in a draw. He proceeded to complain about how it became a "draw" and that the system is stupid. I then threw back, maybe if you didn't slow play so much, you'd have time to play out the match. This was me stressed from the previous weekend... He then proceeded to request to talk to the HJ, I followed up with an apology as I knew my head wasn't in the right place. WOW, I can't believe I did that. This was definitely a sign that I needed to get out the judging scene for a bit, but I can't help it, it's so much fun with the people I work with. As for customer service, I don't know if I can continue with such hard work. I'm not quitting, no. I want to continue this expedition, but I want a break :\

What can I say? That wasn't a good customer experience for that player and I do apologize for that. Especially making Konami look bad in front of other players and especially making that person's experience not very welcoming. I as a well experienced judge, should have known what to do and should have said the right things, however, I was out of my mind... We shall see how things turn out in the future. :\

Besides all this, here's some pictures from Austin :]
First meal in TX
Water fall pool... I keep forgetting to get swimming trunks. 
Working hard to make the place clean!

Lining up for judge dinner! BBQ!
Lobby on the 10th floor?

The was a fire place... LOL

Outside the convention center, so many stairs!

From the 18th floor! GOSH it is high...


Cool looking building

Someone stole my iPod
Congrats on making Day 2 Galo!


HJing my first event!

Ahhh, it has been almost 2 weeks since this event, have been super busy about this YGO thing. Let us say that it wasn't the most pleasant experience that I've had in a while. It is due to the fact that it was the first regional in the Massachusetts area for over 1.5 years. I applied as a judge and I became the Head Judge because I was the "most experienced". This wasn't the fact for the Tournament Organizer (TO) as he believed that he didn't need my help. I didn't offer it. Instead, I took it into my own hands. I contacted the potential judges and talked to them about what was expected and tried to prepare them for what is needed.

The HJing experience was one of the most difficult due to the fact of the lack of experience coming from me, and especially the TO. Coming from me, I understand what HJ is supposed to do, however, I had little to no experience of how to do it. Player management was one of things I wanted to work on. Luckily another judge volunteered for the event and was really helpful. Thank goodness. Overall, not going into too much detail, we, the judges, saved this fiasco of a Regional and we got through and got all the results at the end.

What did I learn from this? A LOT. Judges don't want to read the material, players don't want to listen, TOs need their materials to have the tournament run much more smoothly. I had to become TO, Scorekeeper, and HJ at this moment. The TO/Scorekeeper was too busy cleaning up after and selling products to the players. Anyways, I hope that we all learned something because I definitely have over the 1 year judging at premiere events.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Being a Player and a Judge - The Conflicts

As a "well-experienced" (there's always something to learn from judging) judge, I always have a nick to be a judge even though I'm a player. As one player said, "WTF Allen, you're always instigating about the game." Well, that's what judges have to do, keep a gamestate. I do have to step down because I am not the judge at the locals and I am a player at that moment. The issue I have is when I am a player and my opponent insults me and my rules knowledge.

An incident occurred where I did a play where my opponent was confused. His first reaction was, "You can't do that!" Now I look at him and I wonder why I couldn't have done that. I gave him my reasoning and he continues to say that I can't do it because it would make that deck "broken". Then I asked him if my reasoning made any sense to him. He ignored my question and then continues to say that his reasoning was correct. I did the proper thing to call the judge over to get the ruling. While we waited for the ruling, he said to me one of the lowest comments ever. "____ and ____ played the deck longer than you, they're experts at this deck, call them. I've played that deck since it came out. You never topped a YCS, you don't know the rulings nor do you know how to play the deck."

I kept as calm a demeanor as I could being a player at the moment. What I want to bring up is that I as a player have to abide to what a player is. No matter what the ruling the Head Judge of the locals give, whether you know is incorrect or correct, we abide to it. As for the behavior of this player, I do not like it one bit. If I was the judge, I would not have tolerated it and would have brought it up to the TO and/or the store owner for this rude behavior. I try to keep an open mind about rulings as the transition from UDE to KDE has made drastic changes in rulings and in wording (PSCT). There is a time of learning for players and judges alike and from that, I learned quite the lot. Especially in the player's shoes (similar to an incident in Miami). And it would have been even worst if I was surrounded by a lot of players.

Even as a player, I want to be a judge. It was true that I should "stop instigating" games, but the inner me just wants to judge people xD

YCS Miami

Hi all! It has been a while since I posted something up on this page and I start it off with the first YCS of the year! SO EXCITING! Before I start, I will post up some pictures for everyone to see!

The Hostel I stayed in on Thursday night! One of the best hostels around on South Beach

Fences to the beach!

All over that beach! ;D

So many palm trees!

It was a really good day! The sun ALMOST came out... haha

My friend Galo pre-registering for the YCS.

Getting seated for round 1 of the YCS Miami!

Mid round bantering with players. 

View from hotel room! It was such a sunny day on Sunday, but chilly for Miami. 

Judges assembling! Michael Lee!

After day 2, we were exhausted. A few good judges here, except Uzo... ;P 

It was a fun time, especially getting out of the cold weather in Boston to go to Miami. It was 3 times the difference (20 degrees F to 60 degrees F). I had my small bit of traveling up and the beach and then walked through the "shopping district" although there wasn't much to shop for because they were all small local stores. I was carrying around a 20 pound duffle bag at the time too. I didn't volunteer this time at Miami because I wanted to look around Miami and hang out with a friend who came down with me to Miami (Galo). I saw a bunch of the older judges and greeted them as I ran into them. We went to the judge dinner after the Pre-Reg was over and I was super excited to get some food in my belly.

The dish I ordered sounded better than it tasted. There were inedible tissues left on my steak and I just left the rest on the table for the chefs to deal with it. I understood that there was a huge party that the cooks may not have been prepared for, but the group made a reservation ahead of time. Why was the restaurant not prepared? I'm not sure. But we got out of there relatively late. The manager tried his best to help out the waitresses to no avail, the group was just too overwhelming for such a small restaurant.

Day 1! 

The amount of people trickling in was any typical YCS. Big waves of people, then small amounts, and then big waves of people again and then the stragglers. Those who just like to get the round 1 loss. hahaha, no, the whole day went pretty smoothly. There were a few issues and hiccups that came up. I had to bring up a few of the issues with the TOs and the judges. It was a rough day for me, but I pulled through. It was definitely a HUGE learning experience for me. Player management, rules knowledge, and many other aspects of the community I learned more from this YCS. Afterwards, we went back to the hotel, got some food, looked at some trade binders and went to sleep. Luckily, I didn't catch anyone trying to intentionally draw to make it into day 2.

Day 2!

Players were excited to play for day 2. Some people were completely dominating and some... forgot to wake up. Sadly, with this loss in the beginning of day 2, the player didn't make it to the top 32. I stayed in as a floor judge for all the top tables and also was a feature match on a top 16 table! Fire Fist versus Wind-Ups! It was a close battle, good communication from the players and everything went smoothly. This was my first time judging a feature match. And from that, I learned a bunch! ^_^ Our top tables Lead, Natalie, did a great job, especially from all the experience she's had. It was a smooth top tables! I've heard that side events went pretty smoothly. Good job Uzo and judge staff!

Our Winner?

I'm sure you've heard already, Wind-Ups! It was a WU mirror match in the finals, so there was no chance another deck would have won... haha. There was a bunch of other good decks out there, including Billy Brake's 3rd place water deck (Water deck w/out Undine engine), and 4th place Karakuri deck (w/ Solar Wind Jammer + Emergency Teleport techs for first turn shenanigans). Congratulations to all those attended and I hope you learned as much as I have in this event, judges and players alike!

Rules I learned and told to YCS

  • Wind-up Rabbit still banishes the card even though the monster is targeted by Book of Moon afterwards. It will be banished facedown due to the wording of WU Rabbit that says "banish it" rather than "banish that target". It will also return back facedown. 
  • Although agreed upon by judges, Altantean monsters should not get their effects if it was returned to an area of private knowledge before they activated, it was ruled at YCS that they still get their effects. (Broken much?) We hinted on a sense of Konami trying to push for the water deck. But this ruling was in a limbo for a while. 
  • Dark World Dealings doesn't make both players discard at the same time, instead, it is whenever one player discards and then the other. Players can "change their cards of selection" after seeing that it was a Dark World match up (discarding their Moulinglacia). 
  • There is less incentive of a double game loss, instead, it will more likely be an "accepted game state" instead of handing out game loss/warnings to players. (I know, this is less of a ruling than a judge/player management thing)
And here's the last and one of the most important picture around, the judge staff! I believe there was a few people missing. :[ But that always happens for the judge photos. :P

Stolen From Julia! RUV U!