Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ban List

August, the biggest time for the September Yu-Gi-Oh! banlist. As many of you, Konami is capable of throwing Screw(you)balls when they want to, especially with the new holiday wave 1 tins. Coming out with GAOV and PHSW packs, but reprinting PSHW and GAOV cards in the 6 promotional cards as well. Also, last years ban list was a big confusion as they semi-limited Reborn Tengu when OCG didn't get their Reborn Tengus (the old saying is, if it is exclusive, it won't get touched, WRONG).

Here are my ban list predictions:

Inzektors -

This deck is huge in OCG and dominant in Regionals/Locals in TCG. People say that limiting Inzektor Hornet will help the situation, however, after playing the deck for a few months, thinking about how the deck works, and talking to a few more experienced players, Inzektor Dragonfly is what makes the deck so OP'd. Yes, the Hornet is a key component, but if you look at OCG, they run 3 Inzektor Ladybug because it creates more targets for DFly and Centipede. So anything, Konami will be limiting DFly.

LS/Chaos Dragons -

We all know that decks that has to do with milling are the luckiest and one of the most sac-iest. As a player in my local always tells me, "You're such a sac. You would have all the answers" well, maybe if you built a deck that aimed for your locals, then you'd win your locals more often, just saying. Anyways, tangent. Future Fusion (or FuFu) will get banned. Not just because of this particular deck, but with future cards coming out, such as Mermail (mermail E. Heros = win) and countless other things. I was thinking FuFu, Cyber Eltanin, and cyber monsters in the deck. Ridiculous. Lightpulsar must be hit, going to semi(2) or limit(1). Same with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. Lightpulsar = recycle of REDMD or said other dragons. REDMD for obvious reasons, but from what I'm learning, they might just put him to semi-limited because Konami is still trying to push for XYZs, (Gustav Max). Chaos Sorcerer may go back to 1 or 2 maybe even back on the ban list with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy.

Wind-Ups -

Well, guess we saw this coming. With Wind-Ups topping a lot of the World Championship Qualifiers (or more known as Nationals to the older generations), we can see why this deck is getting hit by the ban list. First off, it destroys your hand turn one, leaving you with max 2 resources left in hand and worst case scenario, you're top decking yourself to a victory. 3 very main key cards are in this deck, Wind-Up HunterWind-Up Zenmaighty and Wind-Up Rat. You may ask, "which one is going to get hit?" Personal Opinion, both Wind-up Hunter to 1 and Wind-up Znemaighty to 1. This way, you'll have dead Wind-Up Rats in your deck and you can only loop the hand max 2 times. Some say to ban Hunter and problem is solved, but I think there's a larger problem. To kill the deck, no, to force the player to play other cards, yes.

DinoRabbits -

I personally don't think Konami will do too much about this. Maybe force the Evolzar Laggia to 1 and Evolzar Dolkka to 2 will make the deck less viable. My reasoning of not touching Rescue Rabbit is because of Konami's push for the XYZs and the usage of Normal Monsters. This may sound silly, but in all good business perspective, it does make sense. Maybe in another year, we will have a different type of monsters, Maybe a RED colored card!? Who knows? *cough Konami cough*

Miscellaneous -

Mystical Space Typhoon is going to go to 1. With Night Beam out, there's no point. Also with so many new archetypes requiring backrow support, I can see this being quite possible.

Tour Guide From the Underworld is another really popular target for a lot of players. Especially after Konami really sold on the Battle Packs, they have a good push for the next meta and they can semi-limit/limit this card for no reason. Some people have told me that Sangan was gonna get banned, but 75% of people would just XYZ into something.

These are what are going to get hit by the ban list. Just my own personal opinion of what is "OP'd" in this meta. What's your opinion?

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