Monday, April 30, 2012

YCS Chicago [Judge experience]

This is my second premier event that I am judging. I LOVED IT. It was another amazing event and like the 100th, I learned a lot from judging and from watching players play. We relied on each other for rulings and sometimes a judge overhears one of my rulings and corrects me. Thank God for that or else I would have been obliterated. My first ever appeal from these 2 premier events that I've judged came from a well known player. It was super satisfying when I got it right and he got it wrong. Maybe I wasn't firm with my call, but I was super happy that I got it right. Hopefully, this player will learn a few things about that happened there.

As for the rest of the event, it was relatively slow and a lot of drama going on that was completely unnecessary, but once there's money and pride on the line, things will happen. Theft, arguments, cheating, card sharking (purposely not maintaining the game flow/state), and  fights. I wished that we played this game to enjoy it and not for the prizes or feeding our own ego. This is small paragraph is irrelevant, but I felt a lot of it throughout the event.

On day 2, I may have been a bit rude to the players, but I felt it was necessary because they have been through this since day 1. There was no need to continually do the same thing two days in a row. Just my opinion. We were all tired and I'm sure them not understanding where they were standing and me being tired did not help. I learned a lot about patience and a lot about where I should be trying to help players and judges grow. I needed a lot of patience to teach players each rule and to help judges, but it was awesome. I felt like there was a good connection in this group.

However, there were a few disconnects between the judges, but I think they were minor and I think that's a good thing. We need to put those issues aside and work on bringing a good event for the players and that's what I felt we did. Keep it up judges. Thanks for the opportunity again Julia.

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