Wow, I didn't think I would be a judge for such an important event. Even though it is a normal YCS (Yugioh! Championship Series), I think it will be a huge event because of the things that are given out to the players and after all, it is the 100th one being set out in the YGO community. I've talked a lot about being a judge with my local TO (Tournament Organizer) and other various RC-1 qualified and other judges around my locals. It was interesting. Not only that, people started noticing me that I was a judge and a reliable source of information. That is not how I wanted it to go since I did get back into YGO last year (2 formats) and I have just gotten back into YGO from a 4 year break. I think I need to get myself accommodated to the huge database of cards out there before I can do something about it.
From the current experience in locals, I've learned that a lot of casual players do not read the card text that is in front of them and that aggravates me. The problem solving text is right there in front of them. There are game mechanics that a lot of people don't know like how optional effects and mandatory effects fall in a chain (e.g. Catastor vs Grand Mole) that I can understand, but where as can I special summon this from my hand, that's a different story, that is based on text and what was activated on the field.
Hopefully, this will carry over into the Judging experience in Long Beach because if I can see a YCS as a large locals rather than any thing else. The only thing I feel sorry for is the amount of people that might be playing Inzektors or Wind-Ups because their opponent will cry a lot because they might as well lose first turn to Wind-Up or lose turn 2 to Inzektors. The Inzektors are an aggressive type of deck and the wind-up as well, but they thing is that if the wind-up goes second, it can hardly make a come back if they have some sort of back row. With wind-up out, it really depends on who goes first that will determine who wins the match rather than who has more skills.
Until another post about my YGO adventures and blogging. Hmmmm, maybe something that will help you guys out next time. :P
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