Here are the basics!
- Normal and effect - The whole point of the game is to summon powerful creatures to knock your opponent's Life Points to zero! So we need these Monsters to win the duel. The color here is a tan or light brown color. The difference here is that tan colored cards are what Yu-Gi-Oh! calls, Normal Monster and the light brown ones are Effect Monsters. The effect monsters can have multitudes of power but the Normal monsters will not have any thing but a short description of the monster.
- Extra Deck Monsters - There is another type of Monster, which comes from the Extra deck, in the colors of Purple, White, and Black. These are powerful monsters that are allowed to players only through certain conditions such as Polymerization or monsters that says "Tuner" on them. This allows a strategic maneuver that a lot of players needs to decide.
- Ritual Monsters - These are represented in the color of blue! With the ritual magic card and the Ritual monster, the duelist can get out a ritual monster by fulfilling the ritual magic card's requirements!

- Normal - Spell cards that can only be activated in Main Phase 1 or 2 as the first card in the Chain Link (more on a later post)
- Continuous - A Spell card that remains face-up on the field that continuously has its effects being applied.
- Quick-Play - Can be activated from your hand in response to something (during your turn) and you can activate this card on your opponents turn IF you set it down when it was your turn before.
- Equip - Targets a monster and gives it an additional effect, it stays on the field as long as the mosnter stays on the field.
- Field - A card that affects both players and acts similar to that of a continuous Spell card, however, it takes the Field Card Zone instead of the normal Spells and Traps Zone. (More on that later)
- Ritual - This symbol signifies that this is to summon a Ritual monster.
- Normal - All trap cards has to be set for one turn before they can be activated. Starting off is the Normal Trap cards. It now can be activated when it meets the condition OR whenever you feel is appropriate.
- Continuous - Similar to that of a Continuous Spell card EXCEPT you can activate this card in your opponent's turn after it has been set for one turn.
- Counter - The fastest type of card out there, only can a counter trap card negate a counter trap card
"What are these field zones?" you ask? These are designated areas for where your certain cards should be placed! Here's a picture for reference.
So here are the Zones! The top left Lime Green area is the field zone, this is where the field card is placed. The next 5 light brown zones to the right are the monster zones, this is where the monsters should be summoned or set. And the last zone, the dark gray area, is the graveyard or the "discard pile".
The next one is the light gray area on the bottom left, this is the extra deck zone, you may put your extra deck cards here for ease of access. The next 5 aqua colored zones are for your spells and traps. And the last and most important of them all, the deck zone, where you will begin to play your duel with your opponent!
In the next segment of "How to Play Yu-Gi-Oh!", we will be discussing what are the step by step process a duelists goes through each turn! So come back for some more dueling tips.